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Plano, Texas, United States
The Book, The Burial, by R. Penman Smith is available through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and directly from Tate Publishing. The Burial is a Spiritual Thriller with a dark twist and a redemptive outcome. The story springs out personal experience; ‘write what you know about’. Those who are comfortable with fantasy and are not afraid of the reality of the spiritual warfare inherent in Christian life will love this book.

Imagination is the faculty through which we discover the world around us, both the world we see, and that other unseen world that hovers on the fringe of sight. Love, joy and laughter, poetry and prose, are the gifts through which we approach that complex world. Through the gift of imagination we have stepped into an ever flowing river where the realm of Faerie touches Middle Earth.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Malachi Speaks Again

The ancient prophets were a rough and gnarly lot 
that observed the society around them with divine clarity 
and spoke bluntly about what they saw.

Blind Lust is a Fool to Wanton Gaze

Blind lust is a fool to wanton gaze
At emptiness tricked out to daze
Not heeding the emptiness within.
What soul lies behind those wanton eyes,
Decked out with death and dead’ning lies?
That breast uplifted, those silken thighs,
Those welcoming arms, those hidden harms,
Bid the blind unwary enter in.
The fool enters through the gate of pleasure
Tasting the lascivious fruit of sin,
Not seeing death its hidden treasure.
Blind lust is a fool to wanton gaze
At emptiness tricked out to daze,
Heeding not the nothingness within.

Remember that “death lies close by the gate of pleasure,”
at least certain types of pleasure.

Lecher Priest

God save us all, we have a lecher priest
Whose every word and smile is oily sweet,
Whose love denying love is just a cheat,
Whose words and actions show his inner beast.
He did not start thus, no, not in the least.
He once longed with ev’ry trembling heartbeat
To be a star, to be a true athlete,
Presiding at the altar and the feast.
His heart was never silver, only tin,
His feet were partly iron, partly clay
When he began to show the beast within.
Hidden within his heart was sad dismay
And all alone he faced his inner sin.
Where was the Church upon that fateful day?

Let Them Be Called Anathema:
Priests, Princes, Prophets, People
Ezekiel 22:23-31

Anywhere we go throughout this jaded land
The faithless huddle in buildings made of stone,
Or brick, or board; their houses built on sand,
Crustacean shells for flesh and blood and bone
Shielding those who flee from God’s clear command.
There’s no life, no living among such dead,
No prophetic voices, no angelic singing,
No humble hearts for whom the Blood was shed.
Bishops, priests, deacons, people, cry no bitter tear.
All alike to the wicked world are clinging,
They will reap the whirlwind and despair.
Ichabod!  Their glory has departed!
They have no future, their past’s beyond repair.
Lo! They reject the Word with hearts undaunted.

To them the Word of God is clear,
 “These things you have done, and I have been silent; 
you thought that I was one like yourself. 
But now I rebuke you and lay the charge before you.”   
-- Psalm 50:21 ESV 

The Wicked Nod and Smile

The wicked nod, smiling ever sweetly
And the simple smile in glad return
Not knowing those wicked smiles will burn.      
Even though the wicked man acts comely
His hidden intent is often deadly.
To control you alone his heart doth yearn,
For this he labours, that your heart should churn.
He controls when he treats you cruelly,
For he knows when you by fears are ridden
His own fears may be quietly hidden.
Wicked is as wicked does, smiles mean nothing,
Control is all. Over you he’s flaunting
Usurpation of your private power
For when you are weaker, he is stronger.

Always write what you know?  
This is one of the things I know; 
that there are wicked men and women, 
even as there are many who are good.  
Sometimes what you don’t know can hurt you. 

In Days of Death and Poetry and Awe

In days of death and poetry and awe,   
Not in the flesh but in the soul I saw
A scaly thing clutch the dying as he fell
With shrieking curse, midst stench and brimstone smell.
It’s course was rudely stopped by golden wing.
The man sprang free and soaring rose on high.
The roaring demon fell earthward with a cry,
The man released from bonds began to sing.
Christ’s blood had interposed and set him free,
That gracious blood was shed for you and me.
Released from shadowlands we will be,
To stand in light beside a golden sea,
And walk in flesh upon a golden shore,
And with our King rejoice for evermore.

The Trumpet

What glad trumpet shall my soul awaken
When the pillars of the earth are shaken?
What resonating tones will sound
Gathering all my moldy bones around?
What ringing cry shall tear asunder
Heaven and Earth in awesome wonder?
Shall I be glad?  Shall you be sad?
When the angels come to sort the good, the bad?
Surely, clearly, when all is said and done,
When eternity’s new day has now begun,
Naught of human evil shall endure
But only those whose humble hearts are pure.
He seeks the poor, the maimed, the halt, the blind,
He calls home the ones whose tender hearts are kind.

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