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Plano, Texas, United States
The Book, The Burial, by R. Penman Smith is available through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and directly from Tate Publishing. The Burial is a Spiritual Thriller with a dark twist and a redemptive outcome. The story springs out personal experience; ‘write what you know about’. Those who are comfortable with fantasy and are not afraid of the reality of the spiritual warfare inherent in Christian life will love this book.

Imagination is the faculty through which we discover the world around us, both the world we see, and that other unseen world that hovers on the fringe of sight. Love, joy and laughter, poetry and prose, are the gifts through which we approach that complex world. Through the gift of imagination we have stepped into an ever flowing river where the realm of Faerie touches Middle Earth.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A Birthday Meditation

 Today I celebrate my birthday, but what does it meant to celebrate?  “As for me, I shall behold your face in righteousness; when I awake, I shall be satisfied with your likeness.”[i]  In beholding the face of God, man’s life becomes fully meaningful; until then man is only half awake.  In beholding of the face of God in worship and in the beauty of creation, in art, literature, and music, we touch the very essence of reality.  To accept the vision of the face of God, it is not enough to passively behold.  In order to touch that very essence we must learn to celebrate a feast and it is only in the Eucharistic Feast that worship, beauty, art, literature and music find their truest unity and meaning.  Even more than that, such beholding and acceptance finds its central meaning in surrender and invitation as we pray, “Come Lord Jesus, dwell in Thy servant in the fullness of Thy strength, in the perfection of Thy ways, and in the holiness of Thy Spirit”[ii]

[i] Psalm 17:15
[ii] Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament, An Office of Spiritual Communion.

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