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Plano, Texas, United States
The Book, The Burial, by R. Penman Smith is available through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and directly from Tate Publishing. The Burial is a Spiritual Thriller with a dark twist and a redemptive outcome. The story springs out personal experience; ‘write what you know about’. Those who are comfortable with fantasy and are not afraid of the reality of the spiritual warfare inherent in Christian life will love this book.

Imagination is the faculty through which we discover the world around us, both the world we see, and that other unseen world that hovers on the fringe of sight. Love, joy and laughter, poetry and prose, are the gifts through which we approach that complex world. Through the gift of imagination we have stepped into an ever flowing river where the realm of Faerie touches Middle Earth.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Sight, Touch, Hearing, Smell, Taste,

What is the colour of the sky
on a crisp cold December morning
when the birds have fled
and the grass is dead
and a blue bottle lies
feet up on a dusty windowsill?

What is the feel of booted feet
trampling on the fallen leaves
drifting in the wind by the fences
speaking of a springtime months ago
when the budding trees
brought forth their blossoms?

What is the sound of the morning
on a quiet suburban street
with only the dogs barking
and a single car passing,
and the distant sirens sounding
somewhere out on the highway?

What is the smell of winter air
when the cold bites the nose
and the breath steams in the air,
and the wind has sharp spicy smell of
dampness and mouldering leaves
and memories of the passing year?

What is the taste of life
on the tip of the tongue
and the back of the throat
when life itself is tasted
not just as a memory past
but as the promise of a spring to come?

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